Difficulty: Easy
Soil: Fertile, well-draining soil
Sowing: Spring/ Autumn
Germination: 7-10 days
Days to maturity: 50-90 days
Position: Full sun/ Partial Shade
Spacing: 20×20 cm apart
Sow Depth: 5mm deep
Height: 30-40 cm
Growing notes:
Start by sowing your Rocket seeds directly into prepared soil in the place intended as the grow area. Rocket plants develop a long tap root that does not like to be disturbed therefore it is better not to transplant rocket but direct sow it instead. Scatter the rocket thinly over the soil and cover lightly with compost, gently firm the soil and keep well watered and moist. Be careful not to overcrowd rocket as it tends to bolt when disturbed or needs to compete, therefore weeding regularly is recommended. Rocket is relatively disease and pest free and keeping the soil moist and watering during dry-spells will ensure consistent growth, as will regular harvests. Using the cut-and-come again method keeps the growth young and tender.
Rocket is a nutrient-dense food, with high levels of fiber, phytochemicals, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium and potassium and a good source of Vitamins K, B and A.
Th leaves and flowers are both used in salads and as a garnish for many dishes to add the distinctive peppery kick of Rocket.
Rocket originated in the Mediterranean region and was first recorded by Pliny the Elder, the roman author, naturalist, natural philosopher in Historia Naturalis, compiled in the First Century A.D.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
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