to root (verb) means to cause (a plant or cutting) to grow roots.
to take root (a plant) is to begin to grow and draw nourishment from the soil through its roots.
to be rooted (adj) means to have established roots.
At root'd,
to stay root’d (adj) means to be (a human) aware of where ones nourishment comes from, it comes from the food we eat.
Stay fresh, stay local, stay root'd
A need for good quality fresh produce
“We are what we eat” has never been more important. Because of thier attractive appearance and nutritional value microgreens have become very popular in recent years amongst chef’s, restaurants and households.
At root’d, we are passionate about growing, eating and talking about microgreens.
Grow your own, or support a local grower
Growing the future
Root’d is focused on new ways of producing food and so are our customers.
– We are interested in finding new ways of producing food more efficiently.
– We promote the use of high quality, natural, untreated, non-GMO seeds.
– We promote combinations of hydroponic and organic practices.