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Nasturtium Alaska Mixed



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Nasturtium Alaska Mixed

Nasturtium produces bright coloured edible flowers throughout most of the summer until the first severe frost. Nasturtiums are tolerant and easy to grow in well draining soil. The variegated foliage and bright orange, yellow and deep red flowers are an attractive addition to your garden and plate.


Difficulty level: Easy
Soil: Well drained balanced soil that retains sufficient moisture.
Sowing: Spring/Autumn
Germination: 7-14 days
Days to flowering: 60-70 days
Position: Sun/Partial Shade
Spacing: 25 x 25 cm
Sow Depth: 10 mm
Height: 20-30 cm
Growing Notes:
Seeds can be sown outdoors after the last severe frost or started indoors 2 to 3 weeks before the last expected frost.

Nasturtium flowers have a slight peppery taste and often used in salads and stir fries. The leaves have a unique almost round shield like appearance and also used in various salad dishes. Nasturtium is often also grown as a microgreen to harvest the leaves.

Nasturtium has a medicinal history and was often used as a mild anti-sceptic and anti-fungal remedy. Furthermore nasturtium flowers contain 120 mg of  Vitamin C per 100g. Not bad compared to Oranges that contain 59 mg of Vitamin C per 100g


Nasturtium derived from the Latin word nasus tortus which means “twisted nose” or “nose twister” because of the effect on ones nasal passages when eating the plant.

Nasturtiums are native to the Andes Mountains of South America. It is said to have been imported buy Spanish botanist Nicolas Monardes and the wider cultivation through Europe.


Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

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